Our mission

In Exis Holding Group we help brands in upholding the excellence of their products through our high-quality articles. Boost your sales, enhance your presence, and stand out from the competition with our top-notch offerings.

a computer screen showing a chart of activity
a computer screen showing a chart of activity


Qualified employees

Not only is our team full of professionals – we're a fun bunch, too.


Orders delivered

Last year, we successfully completed over 100 individual projects.


Key industries

We have specialist experience in a handful of industries.


Data Analysts

Our in-house data analysts have a hands-on approach to data, with heavy emphasis on clear communication with the client.

Quality Supervisor

A quality supervisor is responsible for ensuring that products or services meet the required standards and specifications. They oversee the production process, conducting regular inspections and tests to identify any defects or deviations from quality standards.


Our designers have an extensive background in data analysis, and often work together with our other specialists on various projects.

Costumer Service Specialist

All of our consultants have specialist experience in the field of products, and aim to understand the needs of your business.